ZCC Bishop Opens His Refurbished School. ZCC leader, Bishop Barnabas Lekganyane has refurbished the school he built in Moria.
Recently, most of the religious leaders in South Africa have been seen to be exploiting devoted church congregants. Most religious leaders have used the money received from the congregants to largely fund their lavish lifestyles.
Pastor’s have only given approximately 1% of the funds received from the congregants to charities or to helping build the country. Bear in mind that these churches receive millions from their congregants. Most of these congregants are not well off.
However, there’s a different religious leader who goes out of his way to help his congregants. ZCC leader, Bishop Barnabas Lekganyane has refurbished the school he built in Moria. The school now has computer facilities, which helps build the children’s knowledge. President Cyril Ramaphosa was there to commemorate the opening of the refurbished school too.

by Alexandra Ramaite