KWAZULU-NATAL – Police officers from Umhlali detectives conducted an intelligence driven operation aimed at solving an attempted murder case. Police proceeded to Shayamoya and Nkobongo Reserves where they arrested five suspects aged between 22 and 38.
It is alleged that on 10 June 2020 at 18:30, a group of people entered a house at Shayamoya and took a 42-year-old man to a place where he was assaulted and shot on the leg. He was hospitalised and received medical attention. A case of attempted murder was opened at the Umhlali police station. The victim was accused of breaking into a house in Glendale and he has also been sought for other criminal cases.
During the operation, police recovered a firearm with one round of ammunition, a knife, a toy gun and the victim’s cellphone. The suspects will be charged for attempted murder while a 28-year-old suspect will also be charged for illegal possession of a firearm. They will appear in the Umhlali Magistrates Court soon. Citizens are once again cautioned to refrain from taking law into their own hands and report criminals to the police.