Twitter Reacts To AKA’s Tweet About Weird The Rule Of Cyberbullying Between Celebs And Other People. Babes Wodumo and Lady Zamar have been trending since last night.
Babes Wodumo and Lady Zamar have been trending since last night. This was due to the alleged shaming of Lady Zamar’s acne by the gqom artist. The shaming had tweeps fumed, with some of the tweeps heavily insulting Babes Wodumo. In a recent post by AKA, which had people thinking that its supposedly directed towards the Babes wodumo and Lady Zamar saga, the hip hop musician was weirded out by the supposed rule that other people can cyberbully celebs but celebs themselves are not allowed to cyberbully each other.
“People can cyber bully celebrities…celebrities just can’t cyberbully other celebrities….ok…Weird rule,” says the Super Mega. Tweeps reacted to the statement that AKA made. Some tweeps hit him with one of his own famous statements. The tweep says, “Looks like someone forgot to drink their water.” One tweep says, “Let’s drink water and mind our own businesses….” Some tweeps say that celebrities should know better because of the amount of reach they have. One tweep replied using the issue between Babes Wodumo and Lady Zamar.
The tweep says, “…as a fellow woman and fellow musician Babes should’ve known better. We women go through a lot so to have another woman drag you for having acne is a new level of low.” One tweep says, “I don’t think that’s what people are saying, as musch as celebrities are human, they have a greater influence. One person with 10 followers will only influence 10, a celebrity with 2 Million followers has a greater impact, we are saying have a positive influence brother.”
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite