Twitter Ladies Explain How It Was When They First Experienced That Time Of The Month #MyFirstPeriod. That time of the month is always devastating for girls.
That time of the month is always devastating for girls. The preparation is too much and the for some of them the moods are just out of this world. They just feel like crawling into a hole and hiding in there for a very long time. However, when it’s the first for every lady it gets pretty awkward and scary because they don’t know what’s happening (at all).
Girl tweeps tell us what happened to them when they first experienced that time of the month. The tweeps used the hashtag #MyFirstPeriod. One tweep says she first experienced it when she was 13-years-old while riding a bike. The tweep says, “#MyFirstPeriod was when I was 13yrs (years) old. I was out riding my bike with a group of boys in my street. I felt this weird feeling then pain. I rode home and screamed to my mother that I was dying. (we didn’t have the period talk). I never let my girls experience it this way.”
One tweep says she was scared because her time came after her friends. The tweep says, “I had #MyFirstPeriod was when I was in grade 8. All my friends had theirs in Primary School except for me so I thought I had a medical condition. When I told my friends they diagnosed me and said that I will never be able to have babies in the future because my womb had shifted.” One tweep says she was scared of telling her grandmother, so she sent her mother a personalised call back.
The tweep says, “I was 16 living with my gran and I sent my mom a please call me personalized “please call I’m scared” mom called concerned asking what’s going on I told her, she then spoke to gran asking her to buy me pads I was scared 2 (to) tell her myself because I knew she was going to broadcast it to the whole community and ofcourse she told everyone I was so upset.” One tweep says she stayed in the schools restroom when she was in grade 9.The tweep says, “I was in grade 9 and I stayed in the toilet until most people left the school. I didn’t understand what was happening all I thought was my mom is going to beat me up.”
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite