Tweeps Tell Us What Wasn’t Part Of Their Destiny With #ItWasNeverMeantToBe. That goal that you were seeking was not part of the destiny that was set for you.
Some things feel good when they start out. They go on being good for a while but in the end they just stop being good. This goes for relationships. The first few months you and your partner are having a good relationship together. You smiling, laughing and you always have those 1 to 2 hour calls at midnight, posting each other. You guys are relationship goals because you in the honey moon phase.
After a while the honeymoon phase starts to wear off. You both start realising that the person you with at that time is not the one that the universe has brought for you. It might not have to be a relationship, it could also be goals.
At one point your goal may be to do something for a family member but then that goal is not attainable because of a certain event that messed it up. That goal that you were seeking was not part of the destiny that was set for you. Realising this might break some of your spirits but it’s important to note that giving up won’t help you.
Tweeps used the hashtag #ItWasNeverMeantToBe to highlight the things that were not part of their destiny. Oh and obviously some tweeps are going to put a funny twist to this hashtag. One tweep says he realised that him and his crush were not meant to be together when autocorrect messed up his spelling of cooking with cookie.
The tweep says, “So my crush and I are talking food, I ask her to rate her cooking. After an hour of feedback I realise ive been blocked. In my confusion I revisit the chat and discover I typed “rate your cookie”. Damn auto correct.” Another tweep talked about his relationship of 5 years that fell apart.
Another tweep spoke about how he could not take his mother to her dream vacation before she died. Your destiny can be paved by you but it was not written by you. I always refer to the Arabic phrase Maktub. The phrase means it is written. Meaning that anything that comes your way was meant to be there because it’s part of your destiny. Maktub fellow readers.
These are some of the tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite