Tweeps Disappointed By Mmabtho Failing To Carry Out Harriet’s Demands #TheQueenMzansi. The person that had tweeps going crazy was Doctor Mmabatho Khoza.
Wednesday’s episode of Mzansi Magic’s ‘The Queen’ had a whole lot of action. Vuyiswa slapped Akhona because she’s dating Kagiso Khoza. Captain Jerry Maake and Vuyiswa persuading the Khozas and Mabuzas to go against Harriet Khoza. The person that had tweeps going crazy was Doctor Mmabatho Khoza. Harriet called Mmabatho and told her that she needs her to burn her black book and her laptop.
However, Mmabatho disappointed people. Shaka’s wife was too slow, she was then found by Vuyiswa and Sthembiso while she was trying to burn the book. Some tweeps even compared her to the infamous Mabena. One tweep says, “How do you even burn a book page (by) page? Mabena is Mmabatho’s father…” One tweep says, “Mmabatho mpimpi (snitch) mabena…She is a definition of a girl u would never party with, a girl that will tell on u (you) should things go south…” One tweep referenced Mabena’s superior.
The tweep says, “Disapoint me Mmabatho please, I knew it Mmabatho…” One tweep says, Mmabatho please disappoint me again!!” One tweep says Antoinette would have been a better option. The tweep says, “Harriet should’ve just called Antoinette, Mmabatho is just useless.” Social media influencer Mbaliyezwe Ndlela says, “I hate Mmabatho right now. All the time she wasted could have been used to burn the evidence.”
One tweep almost forgot that it was just acting. The tweep says, “Mmabatho is the biggest moron of all time, like I’m so annoyed I even forget it’s just acting.”Other tweeps didn’t trust from the time Harriet told her what to do. One tweep says, “Mmabatho will throw Harriet under the bus.” One tweep says, “Mara (But) why doesn’t Harriet send me I don’t trust Mmabatho…”
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite