WESTERN CAPE – During crime prevention patrols in the Parklands area before noon on Tuesday, 05 May 2020, Table View Police observed a man acting suspicious when he noticed the officers.
The police officers decided to approach the man, who was carrying a plastic bag. The man dropped the bag and started to walk away from the officers. The man was instructed to stop walking and he complied. The bag the man was carrying was searched by the officers in the man’s presence and it was found that the bag had tablets representing the drug mandrax.
A total of one hundred mandrax tablets and 15.30 grams of crystal methamphetamine were found in the bag.
The 46-year-old suspect was arrested and will appear in the Cape Town Magistrates Court on charges relating to possession of drugs and dealing in drugs.
The Station Commander of Table View, Colonel Lindiwe Dyantyi has welcomed the arrest, which was affected by alert officers, who acted upon their instinct.