Sarah Langa Gets Slammed By Sithelo Shozi For Getting Involved In Her Business. Momanger Sithelo Shozi slammed Sarah Langa Mackay for her comment in one of her posts.
Momanger Sithelo Shozi slammed Sarah Langa Mackay for her comment in one of her posts. The mother of famous model toddler, baby Makhosini, sent a video of items that were bought for her. The video was captioned “apology accepted.” The video had people thinking that her man bought her some stuff to apologise for his wrongdoings. Tweeps were not having good feels towards the gesture, this included model Sarah Langa Mackay.
The model went on to say that the man was still in the pits according to her. She commented to the momanger’s tweet by saying, “Uhmmm…no! Not in my books. His still in the pits!” Sithelo Shozi responded by saying that the apology was meant for her and not Sara Langa Mackay. “I think this was my apology,” says the momanger. The model replied to the slam by explaining why the alleged man shouldn’t be forgiven because of he bought the woman something.
“Lol sorry…also it depends on the context I guess, men do absolute trash and then expect to buy our forgiveness. This is why they continue to be trash [because] our forgiveness can repeatedly be bought.” Sithelo shozi replied to the tweet by insulting her. Some of the momanger’s followers sided with her because they felt as if Sarah Langa Mackay was not supposed to include her own opinion on the matter.
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite