President Zuma Denies The Gaddafi $30 million And Sighs. The article also stated that King Mswati told president Cyril Ramphosa about the money last month.
The former president of South Africa has responded to the allegations by Sunday Times. The former president was accused of safeguarding $30 million for the former slain Libya leader Muammar Gaddafi. The article said that the money was locked in the Nkandla bunker. Now it has been said that the former president moved the money to Eswatini.
The article also stated that King Mswati told president Cyril Ramphosa about the money last month. The article said that King Mswati told president Ramaphosa that the money was with him. The former president went on to Twitter to deny the accusations against him. The former president said, “Sigh! I owe millions in legal fees…I now hear that I have been keeping money belonging to my late brother Gaddafi. Where’s the money because His Majesty knows nothing about it?”
Jacob Zuma also said that he asked for a title deed so that he can sell a house. The statement seemed to be directed to the news agency. The followers of the former president also replied to his statement. One follower says that the former president’s reputation may as well support the statement made by Sunday Times.
The follower said, “Your reputation precedes you. @SundayTimesZA might be 99% correct.” Another follower said that the media doesn’t want to see Jacob Zuma enjoy his after-presidency life. The follower said, “These folks don’t want to see you enjoy life…For me so long as you are out of the office, I wish you enjoyful long life Mr 4th President.”

by Alexandra Ramaite