In a powerful speech delivered at Winnie Mandela’s funeral Julius Malema said “Mama Nomzamo, all those who resigned from the NEC from of the Women’s League because they said they could not associate with a ‘criminal’, they are here! Some of them have played prominent roles in your funeral. In a funeral of a person they called a criminal and a person they were ready to humiliate in front of the whole world. Mma, I’m waiting for a signal on how we should treat them. They must never think we have forgotten what they did to you. We see you in your beautiful suits, betrayers! SELL OUTS! We see you”.

A sentiment focusing on ANC Women’s League members who resigned from the league after criminal allegations were levelled against Winnie Mandela.
Nosiviwe Mapisa Nqakula was the ANCWL SG and spokesperson of the 11 women who resigned from the ANCWL in 1995″
-Adeilade Tambo
-Mapisa Nqakula
-Lindiwe Zulu
-Nkosaza Dlamini-Zuma
-Nomvula Mokonyana
-Ruth Mompati
-Martha Gxowa
-Hilda Ndude
-Myaka-yaka Manzini
-Gumbi Kedibone
– Nomatyala Hangana
-Mapisa Nqakula
-Lindiwe Zulu
-Nkosaza Dlamini-Zuma
-Nomvula Mokonyana
-Ruth Mompati
-Martha Gxowa
-Hilda Ndude
-Myaka-yaka Manzini
-Gumbi Kedibone
– Nomatyala Hangana