Sis Dolly, My girlfriend and I, we’ve been together for 7 months now. It has been the best time of my life (so far). However, I am facing a problem right now and I hope that you can help me.
I go to the same university as she does. At the end of the day, she comes home with me. Therefore we spend a lot of time together. And this has become a problem for me. I’ve become lazy, stopped running, I’ve put on a few pounds, missed project deadlines because I am spending every single minute with her. When we are apart from each other for a day or so, I get messages from her saying that she misses me. Don’t get me wrong, I love her very much and even now I have problems formulating my problem. I guess I just want to have some time for myself again.
I know that I have to tell her this, I just don’t know how. She is a sensitive person and I don’t want to hurt her feelings. Do you have any advise on how to approach this matter?
Thanks in advance for your help!
I think i need some time by myself.