Flex Rabanyan And Helen Zille Have A Go At Each Other On Twitter. Vuzu’s ‘The Hustle’ season 2 winner Flex Rabanyan had a bit of a rough exchanger with the former Western Cape premier Helen Zille on Twitter yesterday (Monday).
Vuzu’s ‘The Hustle’ season 2 winner Flex Rabanyan had a bit of a rough exchanger with the former Western Cape premier Helen Zille on Twitter yesterday (Monday). The two argued over job security, land and food. The exchange was sparked by one Twitter user who commented to an article tweet that stated that the land panel’s proposal steadily preparing an erosion of the protections of property rights that were contained in the constitution.
“There we go. @helenzille’s thinking. The opposition to land distribution by the few privileged should be the single most important reason to unite all blacks to achieve that goal. We can’t postpone this fight for the next generations.” The former Western Cape premier replied to the Twitter user’s statement. “Sweetness, please give us your opinion on how you build the food-productivity and job-creation capacity of the land currently in black ownership,” says Helen Zille.
The hip hop artist couldn’t let this one slide. He also included sarcasm, saying that black people didn’t have food before the arrival of colonialists. “Black people clearly didn’t EAT ANYTHING before colonialism because they couldn’t farm. I DID say I’m worried about white people,” says Flex Rabanyan. Zille came replied by calling Flex Rabanyan’s statement stupid and stated that he was clueless. “That is such a stupid statement. Think of population numbers, think of urbanisation and the need for viable farms to keep people in cities fed. You are clearly clueless,” says the former Western Cape premier.
The hip hop artist replied by saying he was trying to tell her that the same system that she is proud of is ruining the earth. He went on to say that she has a vibe of ignoring the truth. “Helenic I am tryin to explain to you that this whole living system that you guys are proud of is destroying the earth & is very unsustainable. But I don’t need to explain this to you because your whole vibe is based on ignoring the truth,” says Flex Rabanyan. The hip hop artist also responded to people that challenged his perspective, he later added that he like interacting with people that challenged his perspectives of the world.
The tweets:

by Alexandra Ramaite