After years of casual encounters and hookups I’ve finally found a girl I’m proud and happy to be in a relationship with. We’ve been together about 6 months and are both very open and honest with each other; it’s what sparked our relationship to begin with.
However, I feel a lot of jealousy, that I think is stemming from insecurities of his being my first true relationship, of other guys. I mean if a guy even glances her up and down on the street I’m ready to both rip his head off and have an irrational fear that he’ll somehow swipe her from under my feet. It’s worse with the ex boyfriends she mentions, especially when they seem to still be very interested in her and her life. 2 out of the 3 of them liked MY relationship status with her, which drives me in-fucking-sane for some reason.
Like I said, we aren’t afraid to talk with each other and I’ve brought my feelings to her attention. She’s assured me there’s nothing to worry about, even expressing her own jealousy of girls who give me “the look.” And I believe her when she’s says if she didn’t want to be with me, she wouldn’t. Still, it’s an itch I can’t scratch.
I feel really stupid and pretty immature about the whole situation, and like if I can’t get over these feeling the relationship may go in a sour direction. Any advice reddit?