Dedication and commitment portrayed by detectives from the South African Police Service in Kamesh ensured through comprehensive investigations that a murder accused was sentenced effectively to 15 years imprisonment. According to testimony given during the trial, the 27-year-old accused, Simple Given Bless, had an argument with the 21-year-old Brendon Human on 4 November 2018, in the informal settlement of McCarthy, which ultimately resulted in Bless stabbing Human several times in the upper body. Brendon Human passed on in hospital soon afterwards. Simple Bless was arrested on 6 November 2018 by a dedicated team of police officials.
On Tuesday, 27 August 2019, Simple Given Bless was sentenced to 15 years direct imprisonment by the Uitenhage Magistrate’s Court on a charge of murder. Acting Uitenhage Cluster Commander, Brigadier Ronald Koll commended the investigating officer, Detective Warrant Officer Andrew Hoffman for the effective and proficient manner in which he performed his investigations. “This conviction and lengthy sentence meted out by our courts are as a result of thorough investigations by our detectives, who gathered all relevant evidence to successfully identify and link the offender to the crime”.
Anyone who has any information on crime are requested to contact Crime Stop on 08600 10111. Callers may remain anonymous and all information will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.